yaesu ft-980 problems

5 Common Yaesu FT-980 Problems and Possible Fixes

The Yaesu FT-980 is a well-regarded HF transceiver known for its robust performance and versatility. This transceiver, widely used by amateur radio enthusiasts, has earned a reputation for reliability and quality. However, like any piece of electronic equipment, the FT-980 is not immune to issues that can arise with time and usage. These problems can range from minor annoyances to more significant concerns that affect the overall functionality of the radio.

In this blog post, we will explore five common problems that users of the Yaesu FT-980 might encounter. Each section will provide a detailed explanation of the symptoms, possible causes, and practical solutions to address these issues. Whether you’re a seasoned operator or new to using the FT-980, this guide aims to help you troubleshoot and maintain your transceiver, ensuring it continues to perform at its best for years to come.

Problem 1: Power Supply Issues


Power supply issues are among the most common problems users may face with the Yaesu FT-980. Symptoms of power supply problems include the transceiver failing to power on, intermittent power loss, or inconsistent voltage readings. You might also notice that the radio shuts down unexpectedly or fails to maintain a stable operating voltage. These issues can be particularly frustrating as they directly impact the ability to use the transceiver effectively.


The root causes of power supply problems in the FT-980 can vary. One of the most common causes is aging capacitors within the power supply unit. Over time, electrolytic capacitors can degrade, leading to fluctuations in power delivery. Another potential cause is loose or corroded connections, which can result in poor contact and inconsistent power flow. Faulty power cables or connectors can also be to blame, as they may not properly conduct the necessary voltage to the transceiver.


Addressing power supply issues requires a systematic approach to identify and rectify the underlying cause. Start by inspecting all power connections, including the power cable and connectors. Ensure that all connections are secure and free of corrosion. If any connectors appear damaged or worn, consider replacing them.

Next, test the power supply unit itself. If you suspect that aging capacitors are causing the problem, you may need to open the power supply and inspect the capacitors for signs of bulging or leakage. Replacing faulty capacitors can restore proper power delivery. Additionally, check the power cable for any signs of wear or damage and replace it if necessary.

In some cases, the issue may lie with the power outlet or power strip being used. Ensure that the outlet is providing a stable voltage and that the power strip is functioning correctly. If all else fails, consider using an external power supply to determine if the internal power supply is the problem.

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Problem 2: Audio Distortion


Audio distortion is another issue that can significantly impact the usability of the Yaesu FT-980. Users may experience distorted transmission or reception audio, which can manifest as hissing, crackling, or muffled sounds. This issue can make it difficult to understand transmissions or communicate effectively, particularly in situations where clear audio is critical.


Audio distortion in the FT-980 can be caused by a variety of factors. Dirty or corroded connectors are a common culprit, as they can interfere with the proper transmission of audio signals. Internal interference, such as RF noise or grounding issues, can also cause audio distortion. Additionally, problems with the microphone, including a faulty or worn-out mic, can result in poor audio quality during transmissions.

Another potential cause is the incorrect adjustment of internal audio settings, such as the RF gain or AF gain controls. If these settings are not properly calibrated, they can lead to audio distortion or reduced audio clarity.


To resolve audio distortion issues, begin by cleaning all connectors related to the audio system, including the microphone jack and external speaker connections. Use a contact cleaner to remove any dirt or corrosion that may be affecting the signal. After cleaning, ensure that all connections are secure and that there is no visible damage to the connectors.

Next, inspect the microphone for any signs of wear or damage. If the microphone is faulty, consider replacing it with a new one. You can also try using a different microphone to see if the distortion persists, which can help determine if the mic is the source of the problem.

If the issue seems to be related to internal interference or RF noise, try adjusting the transceiver’s internal settings. Reduce the RF gain to minimize noise and adjust the AF gain to achieve clear audio. Additionally, ensure that the transceiver is properly grounded, as poor grounding can contribute to audio interference.

In cases where the distortion persists despite these steps, it may be necessary to open the transceiver and inspect the internal circuitry for any loose connections or damaged components. If you’re not comfortable with this level of troubleshooting, consider seeking assistance from a qualified technician.

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Problem 3: Frequency Drift


Frequency drift is a frustrating issue that can affect the performance of the Yaesu FT-980, particularly during long operating sessions. Symptoms of frequency drift include the transceiver’s inability to lock onto a frequency, or a gradual shift in frequency during operation. This can make it challenging to maintain a stable connection, leading to poor communication quality and frustration for the operator.


Frequency drift can be caused by several factors, including temperature fluctuations, aging crystals, or issues with the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) circuit. Temperature changes can cause the internal components of the transceiver, particularly the crystals, to expand or contract, leading to a shift in frequency. Over time, the crystals themselves can degrade, becoming less stable and more prone to drift. Problems with the PLL circuit, which is responsible for maintaining a stable frequency, can also lead to drift if the circuit becomes misaligned or damaged.


To address frequency drift, start by ensuring that the transceiver is operating in a stable temperature environment. Avoid placing the radio in areas where it is exposed to direct sunlight or near sources of heat, as these can exacerbate the problem.

Next, check the transceiver’s PLL circuit for alignment issues. The PLL circuit may require recalibration to maintain a stable frequency. This process typically involves adjusting the circuit using the transceiver’s service manual as a guide. If you’re unfamiliar with this procedure, it may be best to seek assistance from a technician who can perform the calibration accurately.

If the crystals themselves are suspected to be the issue, consider replacing them with new, high-quality crystals. While this can be a more involved repair, replacing aging or degraded crystals can significantly improve the transceiver’s frequency stability.

Additionally, regular maintenance and calibration of the transceiver can help prevent frequency drift from becoming a recurring issue. Ensuring that all internal components are in good condition and that the PLL circuit is properly aligned will go a long way in maintaining stable operation.

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Problem 4: Display Malfunctions


Display malfunctions can greatly hinder the usability of the Yaesu FT-980, making it difficult to monitor frequencies and adjust settings. Common display issues include a dim or flickering display, missing segments, or complete display failure. These problems can range from minor annoyances to significant obstacles that prevent the effective operation of the transceiver.


Several factors can contribute to display malfunctions in the FT-980. A common cause is the failure of the backlight, which is responsible for illuminating the display. If the backlight fails, the display may appear dim or difficult to read. Ribbon cable issues are another potential cause, as these cables connect the display to the main circuit board. If the ribbon cable becomes loose or damaged, it can result in missing segments or a completely non-functional display. Aging or defective LCD components can also cause display problems, particularly in older units.


To resolve display malfunctions, begin by inspecting the backlight. If the display is dim or flickering, the backlight may need to be replaced. Replacing the backlight is a relatively straightforward process that involves disassembling the transceiver and swapping out the old backlight with a new one. Be sure to use a backlight that is compatible with the FT-980 to ensure proper functionality.

Next, check the ribbon cable that connects the display to the main circuit board. If the display shows missing segments or is not functioning at all, the ribbon cable may be loose or damaged. Carefully reseat the cable, ensuring that it is securely connected at both ends. If the cable appears damaged, consider replacing it with a new one.

In cases where the display itself is defective or aging, replacing the entire LCD unit may be necessary. While this can be a more complex repair, it is often the most effective solution for persistent display problems. If you’re not comfortable performing this repair, seek assistance from a qualified technician who can replace the LCD unit for you.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the display and ensuring that all connections are secure, can help prevent display malfunctions from occurring in the first place. By addressing issues early, you can avoid more significant problems that could affect the overall performance of the transceiver.

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Problem 5: Sensitivity Loss


Sensitivity loss is a critical issue that can severely impact the performance of the Yaesu FT-980. Symptoms of sensitivity loss include reduced signal strength, difficulty in receiving weak signals, and an overall decrease in the transceiver’s ability to pick up transmissions. This problem can make it challenging to communicate effectively, particularly in situations where signal clarity is essential.


Several factors can contribute to sensitivity loss in the FT-980. One common cause is issues with the antenna, such as a damaged or poorly connected antenna. If the antenna is not functioning correctly, the transceiver will struggle to receive signals, leading to reduced sensitivity.

Faulty RF stages within the transceiver are another potential cause of sensitivity loss. The RF stages are responsible for amplifying incoming signals, and if these stages are not functioning properly, the transceiver may have difficulty receiving weak signals. Misalignment of the internal circuitry can also lead to sensitivity issues, as the transceiver may not be properly tuned to pick up signals across the entire frequency range.

Additionally, sensitivity loss can result from general wear and tear on the transceiver’s components over time. As parts age, their efficiency in amplifying and processing signals can diminish, leading to a noticeable drop in performance.


To address sensitivity loss, start by inspecting the antenna and its connections. Ensure that the antenna is properly connected and that there are no signs of damage or corrosion. If the antenna appears faulty, consider replacing it with a new one that is compatible with the FT-980. You can also test the transceiver with a different antenna to determine if the issue is related to the antenna itself.

Next, examine the RF stages of the transceiver. If you suspect that these stages are not functioning properly, you may need to perform a series of tests using an oscilloscope or signal generator to diagnose the problem. If you’re not comfortable performing these tests, consider seeking assistance from a qualified technician who can evaluate and repair the RF stages.

In some cases, realigning the transceiver’s internal circuitry may be necessary to restore sensitivity. This process involves adjusting the transceiver’s tuning to ensure that it is properly calibrated across all frequency ranges. Again, this is a task best performed by someone with experience in radio repair.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the transceiver’s internal components and ensuring that all connections are secure, can help prevent sensitivity loss from becoming a recurring issue. By keeping the transceiver in good working condition, you can maintain its ability to receive signals clearly and effectively.

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Maintaining the Yaesu FT-980 in optimal condition requires regular attention to common issues like power supply problems, audio distortion, frequency drift, display malfunctions, and sensitivity loss. Each of these problems can significantly impact the performance of your transceiver, but with proper troubleshooting and maintenance, they can often be resolved without the need for extensive repairs. By taking the time to address these issues early, you can extend the life of your FT-980 and ensure that it continues to operate reliably.

Regular checks and prompt repairs are key to keeping your equipment in top shape. If you’re ever unsure about a repair, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. Keeping your transceiver in good working order is essential for maintaining clear and effective communication, whether you’re a seasoned operator or new to the world of amateur radio.

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