yaesu ft-900 problems

5 Common Yaesu FT-900 Problems and Possible Fixes

The Yaesu FT-900 is a well-known transceiver in the amateur radio community, appreciated for its versatility and performance. However, like any piece of electronic equipment, it’s not immune to problems, especially as it ages. Users often encounter a range of issues that can affect the overall performance of the radio. These problems can be frustrating, particularly if they occur during crucial communication or while operating in challenging environments.

This blog post aims to address five common problems that Yaesu FT-900 users might face and provide practical solutions to help resolve these issues. Whether you’re an experienced operator or new to the FT-900, understanding these potential problems and knowing how to fix them can save you time, money, and the frustration of dealing with a malfunctioning radio. Let’s dive into these common issues and explore the solutions to keep your Yaesu FT-900 running smoothly.

Section 1: Power Supply Issues

One of the most common problems encountered with the Yaesu FT-900 is related to power supply issues. Users may find that the transceiver does not power on at all, or it may power on intermittently, causing disruptions during operation. This problem is often a result of poor connections, faulty power cables, or an aging power supply unit.

Possible Causes:

  • Loose or corroded connections can lead to an unstable power supply, resulting in the transceiver failing to power on consistently.
  • Faulty or damaged power cables can also prevent the radio from receiving the necessary power, leading to similar issues.
  • An aging power supply unit may degrade over time, leading to insufficient or unstable power output.


  • Begin by inspecting all power connections, including those at the power supply, the transceiver, and any connectors in between. Ensure that all connections are secure and free from corrosion. Cleaning or re-soldering connections can sometimes resolve the issue.
  • If the power cables show signs of wear, fraying, or damage, replace them with new, high-quality cables that are compatible with the FT-900.
  • If the power supply unit itself is suspected to be the problem, testing it with a multimeter can help confirm whether it’s providing stable voltage and current. If not, consider replacing the power supply with a new unit designed to meet the FT-900’s specifications.

Read More: 5 Common Yaesu FT-747 Problems and Possible Fixes

Section 2: Audio Distortion or Poor Audio Quality

Another frequent complaint among Yaesu FT-900 users is audio distortion or poor audio quality, either during transmission or reception. Clear audio is crucial for effective communication, and any distortion can make it difficult to understand or be understood by others.

Possible Causes:

  • Incorrect audio settings, such as microphone gain being set too high or too low, can lead to distorted audio.
  • Aging internal components, such as capacitors in the audio circuit, can degrade over time, leading to poor audio quality.
  • External interference from nearby electronic devices or improper grounding can also affect audio clarity.


  • Start by checking and adjusting the microphone gain. The FT-900 allows for fine-tuning of audio settings, and ensuring these are set correctly for your specific microphone can make a significant difference.
  • If the problem persists, consider opening the transceiver to inspect the internal components. Capacitors, in particular, are known to degrade with age. Replacing aging capacitors or other audio-related components can often restore audio quality.
  • External interference can be minimized by ensuring that the FT-900 is properly grounded and that all cables are routed away from potential sources of electronic noise, such as computers or power supplies. Ferrite beads on cables can also help reduce interference.

Read More: 5 Common Yaesu FT 707 Problems and Possible Fixes

Section 3: Frequency Drift

Frequency drift is a common issue where the FT-900 fails to maintain a stable frequency during operation. This can be particularly problematic during long transmissions or when operating in varying environmental conditions.

Possible Causes:

  • Temperature fluctuations can cause internal components, such as the VCO (Voltage-Controlled Oscillator), to drift, leading to frequency instability.
  • An aging VCO or other frequency-related components may no longer perform as precisely as they once did.
  • Inadequate calibration can also contribute to frequency drift, especially if the transceiver has not been serviced in a long time.


  • One of the simplest ways to reduce frequency drift is to allow the FT-900 to warm up for several minutes before use. This allows the internal components to reach a stable operating temperature.
  • If frequency drift continues to be an issue, recalibrating the VCO may help. This process can sometimes be done by the user, but it often requires specialized equipment and knowledge, so consulting the service manual or a professional technician may be necessary.
  • In cases where the VCO or other components are failing due to age, replacing these parts with new, high-quality components can restore frequency stability.

Read More: 5 Common Yaesu FT-920 Problems and Possible Fixes

Section 4: Display Malfunctions

Display malfunctions, such as dimming, flickering, or complete failure, are another issue that can arise with the Yaesu FT-900. The display is a critical component, providing the operator with essential information about the transceiver’s status and operation.

Possible Causes:

  • A faulty backlight is often the cause of dim or flickering displays. Over time, the backlight can degrade or fail, especially in older units.
  • The display unit itself may also age, leading to problems with the visibility or clarity of the information displayed.
  • Power supply issues or loose connections can also cause the display to malfunction.


  • If the backlight is the issue, replacing it can often restore the display’s brightness. This process may involve disassembling the transceiver, so it’s recommended only for those comfortable with electronics repair.
  • In cases where the entire display unit is failing, replacing the display with a new one may be necessary. While this can be more complex and costly, it’s often the best solution for restoring full functionality.
  • Ensuring that the power supply is stable and that all connections to the display are secure can also help resolve display issues. If the display is flickering, it’s worth checking for any loose connections or power fluctuations.

Read More: 

Section 5: Inconsistent Transmission Power

Inconsistent or weak transmission power is a serious issue that can affect the range and clarity of your communications. This problem is particularly concerning if it occurs unexpectedly, as it can hinder effective communication.

Possible Causes:

  • Faulty transistors within the power amplifier circuit can lead to inconsistent power output.
  • Improper tuning of the transceiver can also result in weak or unstable transmission power.
  • Issues with the power amplifier itself, such as damaged components, can significantly reduce the transmission power.


  • Inspecting the transistors in the power amplifier circuit is a good starting point. If any transistors are found to be faulty, replacing them can often restore consistent power output.
  • Retuning the transceiver to ensure it is operating within its optimal parameters can also help resolve power issues. This may require specialized equipment, so consulting the service manual or a technician is advisable.
  • If the power amplifier is suspected to be the problem, a more in-depth repair or replacement may be necessary. This can involve testing and replacing specific components or, in some cases, replacing the entire amplifier unit.

Read More: 5 Common Yaesu FT-990 Problems and Possible Fixes


The Yaesu FT-900 is a robust and reliable transceiver, but like all electronic equipment, it can experience issues over time. In this blog post, we’ve explored five common problems—power supply issues, audio distortion, frequency drift, display malfunctions, and inconsistent transmission power—and provided practical solutions to address each of them.

Regular maintenance and prompt troubleshooting can help prevent these problems from becoming serious, ensuring that your FT-900 continues to perform well. While some fixes can be done by the user, others may require professional help. By staying proactive, you can extend the life of your transceiver and enjoy many more years of reliable operation.

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