yaesu ft-747 problems

5 Common Yaesu FT-747 Problems and Possible Fixes

The Yaesu FT-747 is a revered transceiver among amateur radio enthusiasts. Known for its compact design and robust performance, it has been a reliable companion for many operators over the years. However, like all electronic devices, the FT-747 can encounter issues, especially as it ages. These problems can range from power-related issues to more complex concerns like frequency drift or poor transmit quality. Addressing these issues promptly is crucial to maintaining the radio’s performance and extending its lifespan. This blog post delves into five common problems that users of the Yaesu FT-747 may encounter.

We will explore the possible causes for each issue and provide step-by-step solutions. Whether you’re a seasoned ham operator or a newcomer, understanding these common problems and their fixes will help you keep your FT-747 in optimal working condition, ensuring it continues to serve you well for years to come.

Problem 1: Power Issues

Power-related issues are among the most common problems users experience with the Yaesu FT-747. These problems can manifest as the radio failing to power on, intermittent power loss, or the radio suddenly shutting down during operation. Several factors can contribute to these power issues, and identifying the root cause is essential for a successful repair.

Possible Causes:

One of the primary causes of power issues in the FT-747 is a faulty power supply. Over time, the power supply can degrade, leading to insufficient voltage or current reaching the radio. Loose or corroded connections, particularly in the power cable or at the power supply terminals, can also cause intermittent power loss. Additionally, the power switch itself may wear out, leading to unreliable operation.


To address power issues, start by inspecting the power supply. Use a multimeter to measure the output voltage and ensure it matches the radio’s requirements. If the voltage is low or unstable, consider replacing the power supply. Next, check all power connections, including the power cable and connectors. Clean any corroded terminals and ensure all connections are secure. If the power switch is suspected to be faulty, it may need to be replaced. This requires careful disassembly of the radio and soldering a new switch into place. If you are not comfortable with this level of repair, consider consulting a professional technician.

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Problem 2: Frequency Drift

Frequency drift is another common issue that can plague the Yaesu FT-747, especially as the radio ages. This problem occurs when the radio’s frequency shifts during operation, leading to signal loss or degradation in communication quality. Frequency drift can be particularly frustrating during long operating sessions or when trying to maintain a stable connection.

Possible Causes:

Frequency drift is often caused by aging electronic components within the radio, such as capacitors and resistors. These components can change value over time, especially in response to temperature fluctuations, leading to instability in the radio’s frequency. Poor internal connections, particularly in the oscillator circuit, can also contribute to this issue. Additionally, thermal expansion and contraction of components inside the radio can lead to frequency drift, especially if the radio is not allowed to reach a stable operating temperature before use.


To mitigate frequency drift, the first step is to ensure that the radio is allowed to warm up before use. This allows the internal components to reach a stable temperature, reducing the likelihood of drift. Next, inspect the oscillator circuit for any signs of aging or damaged components. If necessary, replace old capacitors or resistors with new, high-quality components. Reflowing solder joints in critical areas, particularly around the oscillator and frequency control circuits, can also help stabilize the frequency. If the problem persists, consider adding additional temperature compensation components to the circuit, which can help maintain frequency stability across a wider range of temperatures.

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Problem 3: Audio Distortion

Audio distortion is a common complaint among Yaesu FT-747 users, and it can significantly impact the quality of communication. Distorted or unclear audio can make it difficult to understand transmissions and can be frustrating for both the operator and those on the receiving end. Understanding the potential causes of audio distortion is key to resolving this issue.

Possible Causes:

One of the most common causes of audio distortion in the FT-747 is a faulty internal speaker. Over time, the speaker cone can degrade, or the voice coil can become damaged, leading to poor audio quality. Issues with the audio amplifier circuit, such as failing capacitors or transistors, can also cause distortion. Poor connections in the audio circuit, including loose or corroded connectors, can further exacerbate the problem.


The first step in addressing audio distortion is to test the internal speaker. If the speaker is producing distorted sound, consider replacing it with a new one. Ensure that the replacement speaker matches the specifications of the original to avoid further issues. Next, inspect the audio amplifier circuit for any signs of damage or wear. Replace any faulty capacitors or transistors, and reflow solder joints that may have become loose or corroded. Additionally, clean and secure all connections in the audio circuit, paying particular attention to the connectors between the amplifier and the speaker. If you use an external speaker or headphones, ensure that these accessories are in good working condition and compatible with the radio.

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Problem 4: Display Problems

The display on the Yaesu FT-747 is crucial for monitoring frequency, settings, and other important information. When the display malfunctions, it can hinder the operator’s ability to use the radio effectively. Display problems can range from dim or flickering screens to a complete lack of display.

Possible Causes:

One of the most common causes of display problems is a failing backlight. Over time, the backlight can dim or burn out, making the display difficult to read. Poor solder joints in the display circuitry can also lead to flickering or intermittent operation. Additionally, issues with the power supply, particularly if the display is not receiving stable voltage, can cause the display to malfunction.


To address display problems, start by checking the backlight. If the backlight is dim or non-functional, consider replacing it with a new one. This may require disassembling the radio and carefully installing a new backlight or LCD. Next, inspect the solder joints in the display circuitry. If any joints appear cracked or poorly soldered, reflow them to ensure a stable connection. It’s also important to check the power supply to the display. Ensure that the display is receiving the correct voltage and that there are no fluctuations that could cause issues. If the display problem persists, it may be necessary to replace the entire display unit, though this should be considered a last resort due to the complexity and cost involved.

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Problem 5: Poor Transmit Quality

Poor transmit quality is a critical issue that can affect the performance of the Yaesu FT-747, leading to weak or distorted transmissions. This problem can be particularly frustrating for operators who rely on clear, strong signals to communicate effectively.

Possible Causes:

Several factors can contribute to poor transmit quality. A faulty microphone is one of the most common causes. If the microphone is damaged or not functioning properly, it can lead to weak or distorted audio being transmitted. Issues with the modulation circuit, such as failing components or poor connections, can also affect transmit quality. Additionally, antenna problems, including poor connections or a high Standing Wave Ratio (SWR), can reduce the effectiveness of the transmission.


To improve transmit quality, start by testing the microphone. If the microphone is not functioning correctly, consider replacing it with a new one. Ensure that the replacement microphone is compatible with the FT-747 and properly wired. Next, inspect the modulation circuit for any signs of damage or wear. Replace any faulty components, such as capacitors or transistors, and reflow solder joints as needed. It’s also important to check the antenna connections. Ensure that the antenna is properly connected and that the SWR is within an acceptable range. A high SWR can lead to poor transmission quality and can potentially damage the radio. If necessary, adjust the antenna or use an antenna tuner to achieve a better match.

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The Yaesu FT-747 is a reliable and capable transceiver, but like any piece of equipment, it can encounter problems over time. Power issues, frequency drift, audio distortion, display problems, and poor transmit quality are among the most common challenges users may face. By understanding these issues and following the suggested fixes, you can keep your FT-747 in top condition. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs are essential to ensure the longevity and performance of your radio.

If you encounter more complex issues or are unsure of your ability to make repairs, consulting a professional technician is always a wise choice. Ensuring your Yaesu FT-747 remains in good working order will provide you with years of reliable operation and enjoyable communication experiences. Regular checks and preventive maintenance can help you identify and address potential issues before they escalate. While some problems may require professional repair, many common issues can be resolved with basic troubleshooting and repairs at home. By taking the time to understand your radio and its needs, you’ll be better equipped to keep it functioning optimally.

Remember, a well-maintained radio not only performs better but also enhances your overall experience as a radio operator. So, take care of your Yaesu FT-747, and it will continue to serve you well in all your amateur radio endeavors.

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